Nature: Inspiration for the Holiday

The Natural Home: Christmas Inspired by Nature

Make it special

What ever you do .

Trying to do everything has been my usual holiday craziness.

I decorated for weeks…not everyday but I kept adding and changing and rearranging.

It was exhausting and the end result wasn’t all that great

Pare Things BAck

simple details are often the most important

Now it’s just the details I find important

I love fresh green pine boughs and little packages in kraft paper.

Linen stockings and small twinkle lights

The more natural and the less the better!

Just Enough

find your way to


Looking to nature for your inspiration has no rules. Natural decorating lets the colors and the texture…just be.

Not too jarring or bright.

Simple and soft.

Less is more.

Natural + Simple

This year I used pinecones and pops of floral color from the nursery

I’m not putting up a tree but no one seems to mind.

A few wreathes and some small floral arrangements will bring in the piney smell of winter

Add in other interesting elements

a small collection of paintbrushes keeps it unususal and unexpected

An old collection of calligraphy brushes is a fun juxtaposition on the coffee table.

Little collected Christmas ornaments would be great here too.!

Old fabric for Ribbons

A single element like A little wreath adds a HOLIDAY touch to an entry

I like to find odd spots out of the way to add a small element.

And using old things from years past in new ways, lets me get creative without spending tons.

limit colors

Whatever your color preference

use it in small doses

Interesting paper mache bowls hold cyclamen and other small seasonal flowers.

I used these on the coffee table and hearth too filled with pinecones

Pillows and throws

Make your everyday decor

part of the seasonal package

Pillows are a favorite way to bump up color and seasonal changes.

These may get changed in a week or so but they are just fine now and don’t compete with the other holiday elements

Natural Greens

Whatever your color scheme

any greenery fresh from the nursery will look wonderful.

Every year is a fresh take on your favorite holiday style.

Sit back and enjoy.


the very best part


Flower Arranging Tips: Keep It Simple!